Career Program
Certified Flight Instructor
It is said that the best way to master a subject is to teach it! At Classic Air Aviation we offer courses that pave the way towards becoming an expert in the field of aviation. The benefits of becoming a flight instructor include depth of experience and the incrementing of critical flight hours through our Arizona flight school programs.
There are some requirements you must possess in accordance with 14 CFR 61.183. The requirements are as follow:

Career program pricing
Aircraft: Cessna 172M | $160 / hour | 15 Hours | $2,400 |
Instructor | $75 / hour | 15 Hours | $1,125 |
Ground | $75 / hour | 25 Hours | $1,875 |
TOTAL | $5,400 |
Written Tests (2) $150.00/each and Examiner Fee $1,400.00 paid directly to DPE